Technical Symposium 2008

Technical Symposium 2008 was successfully held in Hotel Equatorial, Penang. The theme for this year was MotoMARVEL. Innovate.... Inspire... Ignite.... Expected some great surprise or admiration this year.

There was a bit different from the privious year in term of event arrangement. This year there was such an EXPO held outside the presentation hall. So you can choose which channel you like, listening to the presentation, playing game, visiting the booth, sitting on the chair and watch others (I noticed that the Bosses did this.. maybe to count on their subordinates) etc.

The event scheduled to start at 8:30am but most people reached there after 9am (including me). While waiting for the traffic light to turn to green, i was hit by a car from the back.

Selalu aku redah je kalau line clear. Tapi hari ni rasa baik lak.. so, berhenti masa lampu merah pun tak selamat. Cuma no plate je patah.. boleh taruk gam balik. So, aku turun kutip no plate yang patah & suruh driver kereta ke tepi bila lampu hijau.

Kat tepi jalan, driver asyik mintak ampun je.. aku tak kisah pun sbb yg patah no plate je.. kalau gigi aku yg patah, lain cerita.. last sekali dia kasi aku RM10.. walaupun aku mintak RM5 je (kalau masa tgh loaded, aku blah je tak mintak apa2).. tapi dlm hati kalau dia nk kasi RM50 lg molek.. lepas la budget sampai gaji next week.. harharhar

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